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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Life is Turning to Crap

Well........ what do you do if you are still seeing that chicks number come up on your husbands phone? He says that he told her not to text anymore......... but that still has not stopped her. He won't just be mean and tell her off. He won't tell her that she is ruining his marrage.......... I don't want to sound selfish, but would it be too much to ask for him to change his number or block hers. He thinks that it is too much to ask. I guess I am just gonna be stuck in a unhappy marrage for the next 2 years just so I can finish school. I am gonna have to start making an exit strategy!! Any Ideas???

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nursing and Life

Well..... I got into the nursing school and have been using the last few months to get caught up on imunizations and all that junk. I did not get to my goal weight by my birthday but I haven't gained any back either. So really I accomplished nothing this summer besides not going on a shooting spree. I did get my prescription for my anxiety and will probably continue it through the semester.

I almost got a divorce and am now wondering if I made the right decision. I don't know how to trust him anymore. And all the promises that he said that he would do, well, those were just empty promises. I don't know what to do. His mother told me that I should just kick him out and make him pay for everything while I am finishing my school. I just don't think I have the balls to do it. How do you talk about something like that when you are gonna have to rely on them so much for the next 2 years?!?

If it goes badly, I might not be able to hold onto my dream....... Which really SUX!!!

Sometimes I wish there was a night in shining armor. Where ever you are, please come a rescue me.......... make all this bad crap go away........... oh, and can you be wealthy so I can finish going to school............ Just a thought!!!!