Do the words that I speak upset you?
Do you read this blog to keep tabs on what I have going on in my life to try and use this against me?
I ask questions...............
I LOVE ALL MY KIDS!!! All 5 of them!!
I wish that everything is peachy and everything goes the way it should for my children. Hayle made the Quest honor roll. (93.2 GPA) Ciera is reading SO GOOD!!! Dallas is just so happy to learn anything new. Lizzy knows how to count in Spanish. Abbigail is standing and saying her first words. But one thing that my 3 Step children need is their Mother. I want them to have that. Does that make me a bad Step Mother for wanting their biological mother to help and step it up.
I guess what would make me a bad step mother is that I have high expectations for people and believe that everyone is able to make their lives better. I guess I should not think that about some people. I guess I should not tell all my children that no matter what happens, if a door shuts and window always opens. Because if I do that, they might think badly of someone.
If you don't like what I have to say or how I feel........... bring it up with me. Or you can resist the urge to look at my blog and mind your own business!! Peace Out, Sweet Dreams, and All that Jazz. My Blog is for me to express myself, not to make you happy!!
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