The color of the Day is red and was brought to you by Omnicef. The wonderful Antibiotic that the ER doctor prescribed my 7 month old and this just happens to be the 3rd one in 3 weeks. We are trying to get over a double ear infection, tonsillitis, and an upper respiratory infection. I normally read all the paperwork that comes with the medications but I had class last night and was in a rush to get to school as soon as Hubby was home. I woke up this morning to some RANK infant gas and when I changed her diaper, it was an even bigger surprise. Her poo was a reddish color. Now needless to say, I started to freak out. All my schooling started kicking in and I was thinking of every possible reason why this could happen. I couldn't find the papers that came with the medicine, called my hubby freaking out asking him what she ate while I was at school, and called the Dr. to see what she said. I was about to call the hospital ER when I found the paper work and in the first couple of lines under side effects it says, "This medicine may cause your stools to turn a reddish color, especially if you take iron products. This is harmless.". But the adrenaline is still pumping. So I have to call the Dr. back and tell them never mind. I could not breastfeed my daughter so she is on formula which had iron supplements in it................ I guess I could use this excess adrenaline to clean..........
Quote of the Day: 4yr old daughter:,"Momma, where are you going?" Me:,"To the bathroom, Watch your cartoons." Her:,"If you need help call me okay Momma!!" ME:, "Okay hun, I will." hehehehehe :)
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